Palindrome Checker

C++ Program

Development Period

1 day

Project Summary

This project involves writing a C++ program that checks if a word is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards. The program provides feedback on whether the input word exhibits this characteristic.


The objective of this project was to create a C++ program capable of determining if a word is a palindrome. The program needed to efficiently check and validate whether a given string is the same when read forwards and backwards.

Features & Details

Palindrome Verification

  • Implemented logic to verify if a word is a palindrome using C++ string manipulation techniques.
  • Input Handling

  • Handled user input to accept and process words for palindrome checking.
  • C++ Programming

  • Utilized C++ for its efficient string handling capabilities and logical operations.
  • Output Feedback

  • Provided clear feedback to the user on whether the input word is a palindrome.
  • project-img-1


    The Palindrome Checker project resulted in a functional C++ program that accurately identifies whether a word is a palindrome. It effectively demonstrates proficiency in string manipulation and logical operations in C++ programming.